Saturday, December 19, 2009


Nothing is really new this week. Hunting started a little bit ago, and one of my friends got a deer. He asked me if I wanted to help cut it up, and I said yes. I have never helped cut up a deer before, when my dad and I went hunging we would take the deer somewhere to be processed and they would skin it and cut it up.

I got to my friends house, his friend came and helped cut up the deer too, and he was shocked that I was helping. he said that he has never seen a girl want to help cut up something with blood. I'm always up for trying new things, and this was new.

We first started by cutting up the front legs, which wernt hard, but the knifes were really dull, so it was difficult at first, but then my friend went and got a sharpner. It was really cool to see how the different muscles fit together. Im in a A and P class, and we had a unit on muscles and what way they move to body, also we had a unit on bones and how the muscles us bones for support and also for movement, and it was just really cool to be able to hold this leg and move it and watch the muscles move.


This week was about the same as last week. I really dont do anything besides work and go to school during the week and then weekends I work even more. It is really hard right now trying to balance time with friends, school, and work, because when I'm not doing one of those things I'm sleeping or trying to keep up with my laundry. Being a college student who travels every day to school, being a manager at work, and trying to get school work done, and find time to do everything else is hard. I know that it is going to be like this when I get older and have a full time job, but right now I think it is extra hard.

A lot of my friends are getting to the age where all they want to do is drink, or party, and that isn't me. I like to just hangout and listen to music, or go to a camp fire, but drinking isn't my thing. So with that being said it is hard to hangout with my friends when that's all they want to do. I find myself staying at home more with my mom and watching movies, which is actually fun.

My mom is probably one of my best friends. We go out to eat a lot, watch movies, go shopping, and it is fun! I would strongly encourage everyone to talk to their mothers, and fathers more, because they can really surprise you, at least my parents surprise me.


It was a really long week this week. I was called into work on Wednesday, and I normally don't work Wednesday. That day I got up at 5:45 a.m. because I had class at 8, then I had to wait until 3:40 for my next class to start. I would normally sleep in my car for a bit, but my friend decided that she wanted to go to the mall and shop for a bit. So we went to the mall and she bought a few things, but I wasn't in the mood to shop, I was soo tired. After we got back to school from the mall, my friend had class and I went to my car to sleep for an hour before I went to study for class. I drive and Eclipse, a little 2 door sports car, and the back set isn't really that big, but I hopped in the back, curled up with a blanket and took a nap. On Monday's and Wednesday's I have long brakes between classes, and I normally try and take a nap so that way I wont fall asleep on my drive home to Winona at 6 at night.

That week was also the anniversary of the 2008 election, the first election that I was able to vote in. I was really happy that I got a chance to vote that year. Many people have strong opinion's about politics, I do not like to get into discussions with people about politics because I do not like to be put into a categories for believing one thing or another. I believe in what I believe.


What to write about.. well Halloween was fun, well at least it was kinda fun. I had to open that day at work at 7, then I worked to 5 in the after noon. needless to say it was a long day. After work I went home and slept for an hour or so, then I got ready for the night. Some of my friends dressed up as the Mario brothers, one was the devil, an angel, a dead Michael Jackson (that was the best costume by far). A bunch of us normally hangout up at my friends house in his barn, so that is where we went for the night. It was really cold, but luckily he had a heater that he brought out so it wasn't that bad.

Some of my friends decided to start drinking so that was when I thought it was best to leave. So I went home and went to bed. Over all it was a fun night, but I was really tired the whole time, and I had to close the next night at work and I needed some well deserved sleep.