Alright so I finally got this figured out! This post was supposed to be from the week of the 9Th.
So this past week end I had the opportunity to go duck hunting with one of my friends. I went on Sunday the 3rd for my first time and, Oh boy was it interesting. I got up really early, about 3 A.M. and got ready to meet my friend at his place. We met up with his dad at the meeting spot and got into a canoe and found a good spot to sit and wait for the birds. At one point we had to get out and walk through the water, and me being clumsy, I decided I should go for a little swim, and I feel in. I started to laugh, my friend was laughing, and his dad came and pulled me out, while laughing. From that point on, I was freezing, and I had no extra clothes to put on. Only my coat go wet because I was wearing waders that kept my legs from getting wet. My friend on the other hand wasn't so lucky. He has a very small cut in his waders and his pants were soaking wet, both his socks were wet and when he dumped his boots out, I thought that a fish was going to fall out because there was so much water in them. I was having a lot of fun while I was out with them.
winter break..x-mas
15 years ago
Alot of people dont understand that hunting is not just about the kill. Its more about the experience and getting away from it all. Some of the best hunts are when you only get to see animals in their natural habitat and the fun you have on the hunt.