Saturday, December 19, 2009


Nothing is really new this week. Hunting started a little bit ago, and one of my friends got a deer. He asked me if I wanted to help cut it up, and I said yes. I have never helped cut up a deer before, when my dad and I went hunging we would take the deer somewhere to be processed and they would skin it and cut it up.

I got to my friends house, his friend came and helped cut up the deer too, and he was shocked that I was helping. he said that he has never seen a girl want to help cut up something with blood. I'm always up for trying new things, and this was new.

We first started by cutting up the front legs, which wernt hard, but the knifes were really dull, so it was difficult at first, but then my friend went and got a sharpner. It was really cool to see how the different muscles fit together. Im in a A and P class, and we had a unit on muscles and what way they move to body, also we had a unit on bones and how the muscles us bones for support and also for movement, and it was just really cool to be able to hold this leg and move it and watch the muscles move.

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