Friday, October 23, 2009

This past weekend wasn't the eventful, I worked my normal 7 A.M. to 5 shift on Saturday, then hung out with some friends. Sunday afternoon I watched some football, then later that night I worked again. On Wednesday when I was sitting in my kitchen, I looked over at the other counter and saw a card. So I went over and looked at it, and it was my moms card from my dad for their 22 wedding anniversary that was Saturday. I felt like the worst child in the world. I had forgotten my parents anniversary, and the asked me that day if I wanted to go to eat with them that night and I told them I was going to hangout with friends instead. I felt horrible!! I couldn't believe that I forgot their anniversary. I told my mom I was the worst daughter ever and I gave her a hug and told her I was sorry, she said it was fine, but I knew it wasn't. I will never forget October 17Th again!
My family had a surprise visit from my uncle who lives in Texas last night. He called my mom when he was in Illinois saying that he would be in town in a few hours and was wondering if it was alright if he stopped by for a visit. How were we suppose to say no? I got home from class and cleaned up my bathroom a little bit, because the guest room is right next to mine, and we made sure everything looked good for his arrival. The only problem with his arrival was I had to work last night from 3:30-11 managing, and I wasn't going to be able to find someone to cover for me, because I was covering for the other manager. When I finally got home at 11:30 my dad, mom, and uncle were still up talking, and they were waiting for me to get home so we could all visit. I felt bad that I couldn't get home sooner to see him.

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