Friday, October 23, 2009

This past weekend wasn't the eventful, I worked my normal 7 A.M. to 5 shift on Saturday, then hung out with some friends. Sunday afternoon I watched some football, then later that night I worked again. On Wednesday when I was sitting in my kitchen, I looked over at the other counter and saw a card. So I went over and looked at it, and it was my moms card from my dad for their 22 wedding anniversary that was Saturday. I felt like the worst child in the world. I had forgotten my parents anniversary, and the asked me that day if I wanted to go to eat with them that night and I told them I was going to hangout with friends instead. I felt horrible!! I couldn't believe that I forgot their anniversary. I told my mom I was the worst daughter ever and I gave her a hug and told her I was sorry, she said it was fine, but I knew it wasn't. I will never forget October 17Th again!
My family had a surprise visit from my uncle who lives in Texas last night. He called my mom when he was in Illinois saying that he would be in town in a few hours and was wondering if it was alright if he stopped by for a visit. How were we suppose to say no? I got home from class and cleaned up my bathroom a little bit, because the guest room is right next to mine, and we made sure everything looked good for his arrival. The only problem with his arrival was I had to work last night from 3:30-11 managing, and I wasn't going to be able to find someone to cover for me, because I was covering for the other manager. When I finally got home at 11:30 my dad, mom, and uncle were still up talking, and they were waiting for me to get home so we could all visit. I felt bad that I couldn't get home sooner to see him.

Monday, October 19, 2009

This post was suppose to be from the week of the 16Th. Again I apologize that they were late.

This past week I haven't really done anything exciting, but if you haven't look at my profile, I'm really into sports. With that being said, I am a HUGE Twins fan! I've been to the Twins Caravan the past few years, and I have pictures with some of the players, and a picture with Bert Blyleven. They are my favorite team and I love watching them. I even got my mom into them, she watches almost every game she can, and she now understands a lot about the sport. Well I was extremely excited when the Twins won the AL (American League) Central. They played game 163 against the Chicago White Sox for the Central title. They ended up winning against the White Sox! Their next game was against the Yankees in NY. I was working that day (Friday the 9Th) and after work I went to a local sports bar with a couple of my co-workers to watch some of the game. I had a lot of fun watching the game with them, but once they decided to go to a actual bar, I went home to watch the rest with my mom. It was a very intense game, which they ended up losing. :( I love the Twins but this past season they never won a game against the Yankees in the regular season, so I wasn't going to get my hopes up that they could beat them, and keep going in the post season. Even though they didn't win doesn't mean I'm going to stop watching them. GO TWINS!
I'm also into Football. I'm participating in my first Fantasy League this year with my co-workers. I didn't have the chance to watch many games last year because I worked on Sundays when the games were on, but this year I made sure I had Sundays off. Well so far in Fantasy I am 5-0! I have the best record for me league! People were doubting me, especially the guys I work with. But now they are scared, because I keep winning. I think it is funny because my bosses are in the league and I have beet both of them, and they kept telling me that I was going to lose to them, but I haven't!
Alright so I finally got this figured out! This post was supposed to be from the week of the 9Th.

So this past week end I had the opportunity to go duck hunting with one of my friends. I went on Sunday the 3rd for my first time and, Oh boy was it interesting. I got up really early, about 3 A.M. and got ready to meet my friend at his place. We met up with his dad at the meeting spot and got into a canoe and found a good spot to sit and wait for the birds. At one point we had to get out and walk through the water, and me being clumsy, I decided I should go for a little swim, and I feel in. I started to laugh, my friend was laughing, and his dad came and pulled me out, while laughing. From that point on, I was freezing, and I had no extra clothes to put on. Only my coat go wet because I was wearing waders that kept my legs from getting wet. My friend on the other hand wasn't so lucky. He has a very small cut in his waders and his pants were soaking wet, both his socks were wet and when he dumped his boots out, I thought that a fish was going to fall out because there was so much water in them. I was having a lot of fun while I was out with them.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

So my computer hasn't let me post any of my blogs that I have written... I apologize. I'm going to try and get them up as soon as possible.